Box for Stijepo: natural-dark
Box for Stijepo: natural-light
Box for Stijepo: Ches, natural-dark
Souvenir-Box: Sea
Souvenir-Box: I love lavender
Secret of each box lies in its contents, but what makes a box special is its story ..
In the heart of Opatija there are some of the most beautiful parks in Europe: Park Angiolina and Park Sveti Jakov.
There have, with richness of native Mediterranean plants which give parks natural look, become domesticated over 150 sorts of exotic plants brought from all over the world: Camellia (the symbol of Opatija), ginkgoes, American pine, Japanese bananas, sequoia, Himalaya cypress…
In that not-everyday-seen picture of seemingly incompatible and contrastive plants it is easy to find inspiration for art work as well as a lot of different materials which nature offers….also enjoy morning walks, where spontaneously, by accident found “treasure”, with addition of one more “waste”, recycled newspapers, ideas rise for “boxes from Opatija’s gardens” which are being made as ecological and authentic Opatija’s souvenirs.
Opatija, Slatina: Tulips